August 30, 2021

Values in processes, not in A3 posters

by Raminta Daukšienė

Head of HR

There is no mature company in the industry without values that have been claimed out loud. Why do values matter so much in general? You may say that having them as statements is enough to keep your team glued but ever since the spinning off of a new CyberCare brand, we understood that those 3 words have to be seen in action, not in A3 posters around the office. Values are the common agreement between a group of people making them a team! 


Our work specifics are all about creating wow experiences. Internally – for each other every step of the way. Externally – for every client around the world. How to make it count in simple day-to-day life? We recently understood that coming back to the office after quite a long break, we needed to rely on ourselves to make it feel like home. A group of different-shift people gathered and dedicated the whole day to clean, steam and love the office a little more. We expect wow with the first step in the office and we managed to do so as a wow team. Clean office – clean mind! 


We are all responsible for our own professional growth and no push from the outside will ever be so powerful compared to the one from within. The UNLOCK program that we have inside the company is a great proof of that. Every CS agent who has ambition is invited to participate in mentorship and knowledge-sharing sessions with current team leads, who are the first ones in line to guide our people to extreme career highs. Internal motivation, combined with external knowledge, is the most powerful gun a young professional can have. Every session of this program is finished with many new teams leads to be, who are the best cultural fit, loved by former colleagues.


Common interest areas are definitely needed to keep the team unstoppable. We provide space, equipment and material to support the game outside the office walls and build relationships where people would enjoy it the most. Some teams play video games together, others go camping for the whole weekend. Dedicated budget for team buildings and an office full of entertainment (even the music studio that we are incredibly proud of) – this is how the Rockin team is made. 

Putting values into actions, opportunities and processes will make it live. Do you make sure to keep them in mind in every team-related gesture? Of course, while the company is maturing, more and more decisions are being made according to those statements – hiring, evaluating and selecting the best. Keep swimming and finding your authentic way that works.